About Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga was brought to the west in 1968 by Yogi Bhajan, also referred to as Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji. Born August 26, 1929 to a wealthy family in an area of India today known as Pakistan, he was the eldest son of a very devout family. At birth they recognized the mark of a saint on the bottom of his foot, and he was taken to many holy spots during his first 40 days of life. At age 7, he was sent to study with his Teacher, Sant Hazara Singh, and by 16-1/2 he was declared a Master of Kundalini Yoga – a rare feat, especially for one so young.
Leaving behind a lucrative governmental career, in 1968 he came first to Canada and then to the USA, to answer the call of the yearning hearts of so many who were struggling to find spirituality in the turbulent drug culture of the ‘60’s. Yogi Bhajan broke with the long-held tradition of silence, opening Kundalini Yoga & Meditation as well as White Tantric Yoga (a deeply transformative & healing meditative practice) to the public. Today Kundalini yoga centers have sprung up throughout the world. For nearly 35 years, he taught thousands of classes and inspired countless people to keep up and live in their excellence. He left his body on October 6, 2004, leaving behind both earthly as well as spiritual family and will be remembered as the “Father of Humanology.”
Today we teach Kundalini Yoga as passed down from teacher to student, for thousands of years, and as gifted to us through our Teacher, Yogi Bhajan. It is with deep gratitude and respect that we carry on this lineage.