Meditate with Us
The Upward Spiral

Keeping Up
We Keep Up Together
"Without this class I would have just been pulled into the narrative of fear and restriction. After class I feel strong and very directed to stay in my highest grace and destiny. " -- T.M.
A Message from Tej
“I was brought to the Teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation through a USC psychology experiment in 1972. Having studied counseling to heal people from their troubles, I realized after my first three months of yoga training that this Kundalini Yoga practice took me light years ahead of anything else in a very short time. So fascinated was I by it all, I began a side hobby of transcribing and archiving the teachings. This quickly became my passion for decades, a way to saturate and submerge myself in the subtle essence of it all. I feel we are now on a magical mystery tour that is revealing itself quickly to those with a Destiny to elevate humanity. May the Seekers be supported. Sat Nam.” — Tej

Raise Your Consciousness
Awaken to your Highest Potential